Using Your Powers for Good

Dear Friends,

I awoke one morning this week to see a post on Facebook from one of my friends.  It read: “Too many sad and hard and horrible things.  Use all your powers for good.”  It was a good reminder not to let the sad and hard and horrible things steal my goodness or even my joy.  Yes … there are times when I want to shout and curse to get all my anger and frustration with the world out of my body … and I sometimes do that.  But then … I turn that anger and frustration toward the good that the church and I can accomplish in the world.  Thankfully, God has been showing me the good this week in the midst of the bad.

  • I’ve seen church members serving lunch to the seniors that our social workers care for.  They also sat alongside them to do chair exercises and competed with them in several rousing rounds of Bingo.
  • I saw church members showing up to pick up groceries that they deliver monthly to families who need them.
  • I saw church members preparing snacks to welcome school children for our weekly afterschool Move It program.
  • I saw church members working alongside families to sort groceries through our food cooperative.
  • I saw a homeless person eating one of the snack bags that our team assembled for him.
  • I sat alongside our Vision Team in a brainstorming session as we sought to discern God’s vision for us in 2024.

There are a lot of meaningful things happening through Avondale United Methodist Church because together, we are using our powers for good.

This Sunday in worship, we will conclude our Stewardship Series by making our financial commitments (pledges) for 2024.  Pledges help church leadership determine a realistic budget for the church as we seek to show God’s love in our neighborhood and beyond.

If you haven’t made your pledge, I invite you to prayerfully reflect on the blessings God has provided in your life.  Then, consider your household budget to determine what you are able to pledge to give to the church in 2024.  Your pledge signifies a Spirit-inspired goal for you to grow in faithful generosity over this next year.  You can make your 2024 pledge online by clicking here.  Or we’ll have pledge cards available this Sunday that you can complete in worship.

We’ve got a big Sunday ahead both in worship and afterward with Trick or Treating on the Lawn and potluck lunch in the Fellowship Hall.  Bring candy to share with the kiddos and a side dish to share for lunch.  These are great ways to connect with your church friends and our neighborhood.  I hope you’ll take part as we all seek to use our powers for good!



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