Worship with us each Sunday morning at 10am.

We offer worship opportunities either in-person in our Sanctuary or via our livestream on Facebook.  All are welcome.  Our worship is a more traditional style of worship in that we sing hymns, affirm our faith with the Apostles Creed, and pray together the Lord's Prayer.  We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and other special holy days throughout the year.  Although we are traditional in our worship style, we are not formal in our dress.  We invite people to wear what feels most comfortable to them.  Most people will be dressed in business casual or casual attire.  Everyone is welcome and affirmed at Avondale UMC regardless of who you are, where you come from, or who you love.


We welcome children of all ages in worship every Sunday.  However, if you would like childcare, we have nursery available each Sunday morning beginning at 9:30am for children age 4 and under.  The nursery is staffed with workers who have had a background check in accordance with our child protection policy.  The children will listen to songs, hear Bible stories, and be offered age-appropriate crafts as we begin to teach our children about God’s great love for them.

Children's Church

As children grow older, we encourage them to join us in worship for the first part of the service.  We believe it's important for children to begin to learn the rituals of worship so that it doesn't feel foreign to them later in life.  Just as reading and writing are a natural part of their development, so too is worship.  At the same time, we recognize that 45 minutes to an hour is a long time for a little one to try to sit still and be quiet.  Thus, we offer Children's Church each Sunday.  Following the Children's Moment in worship, children (kindergarten through second grade) are escorted to Children’s Church by their teacher where they sing songs, here a Bible story, and make crafts about what they're learning.  Parents pick up their child(ren) from the first floor classroom after the worship service.