Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. It’s a time for growing through repentance, confession, fellowship, prayer, and fasting. Join with your Avondale UMC family and friends in worship, prayer, and study as we journey with Christ to the cross and ultimately celebrate his resurrection.
Ash Wednesday Worship
February 22 @ 6:00pm
Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the season of Lent. Our worship will be quiet, reflective, and meditative with the imposition of ashes, prayer, and hymns. Marking ourselves with ashes is a visible reminder of our mortality … that God created us from the dust, and to dust we some day will return.
Lenten Devotional Cards
We have devotional cards available for individual use during this Lenten season. There is a card for each day with a brief quote and prayer that you can use to focus your mind and thoughts throughout each day. You can pick up a set when you come for worship. Or we can mail a set to you. Email Susan Harvill (susan.harvill1252@gmail.com) to have a set mailed to you. You can also follow us on social media for prayers and meditations throughout the season.
Lent Bible Study
Thursdays @ 6:30pm
The cross is the central symbol of the Christian faith. But what exactly did Jesus do to save us from our sins? Why was the cross necessary, and what does it mean for us today? Join us for a Bible Study during the Lenten season as we wrestle with these questions and develop a richer understanding of the Christian faith. We will meet Thursday evenings at 6:30pm via Zoom beginning this Thursday, February 23. The book we’ll be using to guide our conversation is Savior by Magrey deVega. Click here to purchase the book. To join the Zoom … Zoom Meeting ID: 884 9456 5977 | Passcode: 082148.
Lamenting Injustice: a Lenten Luncheon Series
Wednesdays in March @ 11:30am
Come for lunch at the East Lake UMC Diner each Wednesday in March at 11:30am as we join in conversation around injustices in our community and look with hope toward justice. Topics include: a conversation with the pastors of East Lake, Woodlawn, and Avondale UMCs (March 1) … food insecurity (March 8) … LGBTQ+ rights (March 15) … civic engagement and voting rights (March 22) … plans for the future (March 29). While there is not a day dedicated to dismantling systemic racism, we will discuss its role in each of our conversations.