Dear friends,
It’s hard to believe that it’s already the Second Sunday of Advent. Some days I struggle to believe that we’re in December. Since March, time feels like it has slowed down in many ways, but because most days feel like Groundhog’s Day (a repeat of the day before) time also feels like a blur that’s whizzing by.
So here we are two Sundays into Advent and three Sundays shy of Christmas. COVID numbers continue to rise, the bubble of not knowing anyone personally with COVID has burst for many of us as our friends and loved ones have become sick, and deadlines are approaching when government aid will end, aid that has barely sustained folks who are hanging on by a thread. The world feels like a weary place right now. Yet it’s a weary world like this one that Christ came to save. It’s a weary world like this one where he became our Emmanuel (God with us).
I pray that now more than ever you feel the deep and abiding presence of God with you. I pray that you find peace in this difficult year. And I pray that you are able to spread the light and love that God brings in Christ to other weary sojourners as well.
Rev. Malinda Weaver
Online Worship
Our worship theme for the Advent and Christmas seasons focuses on Those Who Dream. During a time when many of us are dreaming of a better world and a brighter tomorrow, we join with the people from the ancient scriptures who were dreamers just like us. Today we’re dreaming with Isaiah and John the Baptist who both heralded the message to “Prepare the way of the Lord!” This message is one we all must heed as we work to bring the Light of Christ to the darkest of places.
During Advent, our worship will be entirely online. Join us each Sunday morning at 11:00am on our Facebook or YouTube pages. To worship with us via YouTube, click here. To worship via Facebook, click here.