Happy Easter!!! Yes, I said it, and I’ll say it again for the people in the back … Happy Easter!!! You may be thinking, ‘How sad! Being cooped up all day every day at home because of social distancing is really taking a toll on Pastor Malinda. She’s lost all track of time and has even forgotten that we already celebrated Easter last Sunday.’ Well … I’m here to testify that your assessment is not accurate (even if my husband & children might tell you otherwise). We are still celebrating Easter because it’s not just one Sunday. It’s an entire season!
The Easter Season, also known as the Great Fifty Days, begins at sunset Easter Eve and continues through the Day of Pentecost, which falls on May 31 this year. It is the most joyous and celebrative season of the Christian year. It focuses on Christ’s resurrection and ascension and on the givings of the Holy Spirit on the first Easter (John 20:22 –23) and the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). The ancient Christian name for this festival is Pasch, derived from the Hebrew pesah (“deliverance” or “passover”), thus connecting the Resurrection to the Exodus. The origin of the English word Easter is disputed but may come from the Anglo–Saxon spring goddess Eastre and her festival.
This Sunday we’re beginning a new worship series for the season of Easter … “The Heart of the Matter.” I hope you’ll join us for worship via Zoom each Sunday at 11:00am as we get to the heart of all the struggles, uncertainty, and fears we’re facing as a result of social distancing and isolation. Just as the disciples faced similar emotions after the death of Christ, together we’ll rediscover that in the end, life overcomes death … God is faithful … love wins! The link to join our Zoom worship is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/610630382. See you Sunday!!
Rev. Malinda Weaver