Dear Church Family & Friends,
We’re six days into the new year, and today is the day we mark Epiphany. It’s the day that we religious types say that the wise men/magi/three kings (however you want to identify them) finally made it to the manger. They’d had no visits from Gabriel … no divine dreams … no heavenly choruses. They’d simply been guided there by a star that looked different from all the rest. They’d set out on a journey, not knowing exactly where the star would lead them and yet trusting that it was the right thing to do. I often wonder if they knew just how significant this journey would be for them and for generations to come.
This Sunday in worship we will celebrate Epiphany with our tradition of receiving Star Gifts. A Star Gift is a single word, printed on a star, that a person receives for the year ahead. No two stars have the same word on them with words ranging from things like faith, hope, and love to resist, journey, solitude, and justice. Folks are encouraged to take their Star Gift, look it up in a dictionary, place it in a visible location to see it often, pray over it, and ask God to enlighten them through that word in the coming year. Many people who have meditated on their Star Gift in previous years often share with me how God revealed Christ at work in their midst and how meaningful it was for their spiritual life.
I will have a new selection of Star Gifts on Sunday for 2023. Feel free to bring your 2022 word to lay on the altar as you prepare to receive a new word. Or … If your word from 2022 has been meaningful to you, you’re welcome to hang onto it as a keepsake. I pray you’ll join me in the wonder and mystery of what God will do through us in the coming year. See you Sunday!!
Rev. Malinda Weaver
P.S. If you’re unable to join us in person this Sunday and would like to receive a Star Gift, email me your address so I can mail you one.
P.P.S. We’ll be worshiping in the Fellowship Hall each Sunday in January due to the lack of heat in the sanctuary.