Dear Church Family and Friends,
I wondered what I should do. So I decided to poll a few church members to see what they thought. So many good words were suggested to describe our church…community, adapt, unity, outreach, reach, connect, intentional, love. I have to admit, all these words made my job that much harder to choose just one. At the same time, I loved hearing what words came to mind for each of them. Avondale UMC means so much to so many people. It really is a place of love and connection and welcome and intentionality and community. And Lord knows, we’ve had to adapt, adapt, adapt these past few years in response to the pandemic.
In the end, I chose the word “connected.” I chose a picture from one of our first worship services on the lawn where everyone was gathered. We felt so disconnected throughout the pandemic that your church leaders and I have been intentionally working to offer opportunities for connecting with our church family and friends. Being the church means being connected to one another through our shared love and mission for Christ. See you Sunday morning at 10am!!
Rev. Malinda Weaver
P.S. If you’re unable to join us Sunday morning in person, you can always connect with us via our livestream on our Facebook page.