Creating a Vision Together

Avondale United Methodist Church has a lot to be proud of.  We serve our neighbors through feeding ministries, after school programs, summer enrichment for elementary students, and social workers helping people in crisis.  We have meaningful worship and Bible study on a weekly basis.  And we just completed a renovation project of our sanctuary HVAC and life/fire safety update without taking on any debt.  It’s all thanks to the faithfulness and generosity of our church family and friends who are seeking to follow God and build God’s kingdom one brick at a time in Avondale.


Recently, I began a worship series based on one of the most important questions that Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you say I am?“  When Jesus asks this question they respond that he is the Messiah, the son of the living God (Matthew 16:13-16).  He then instructs them to build his church and ultimately (later in Matthew) calls them to spread this message throughout the world so that others may come to know the love and saving grace of God.


Together, as followers of Jesus Christ, we (the church) are called to witness boldly to him in the world.  In order to do that, we must discern together who it is we say that we are as the church in Avondale.  Everyone is invited to complete a Visioning Questionnaire so we can determine our goals and priorities for the coming year as we seek to transform our neighborhood for the kingdom of God.  You can complete that questionnaire online by clicking here.  Please do so by September 27.  Then, make plans to attend a luncheon after worship on Sunday, October 1, where we will share and discuss ideas and themes that have emerged from everyone’s answers.



Rev. Malinda Weaver

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