Welcome to Avondale UMC!

Thanks for joining us for worship.  Giving our time, talents, and money is our natural response to an understanding of the generosity of God.  We invite you to share your information with us so we can share opportunities with you about the church and our ministries.  Then use the links below to submit a prayer request, donate to the church online, or volunteer to serve.  

I am/We are (Check all that apply)

Prayer Requests

Scripture reminds us to pray without ceasing and to allow others to pray for us when we need it.  If you have something you’d like for our pastor or the prayer team to hold in prayer, click the link below and let us know.

Invest in God’s Work

Financial gifts to the church go to support the ongoing ministry and mission we are carrying out in our community.  You can give online now by clicking the link below.